AWS DeepLens vs Google Coral: Which AI development kit is better?

October 01, 2021

AI development has revolutionized the way we think and work. With the advancement of AI technology, developers are turning towards AI development kits to build smarter applications. AWS DeepLens and Google Coral are two widely used AI development kits today. In this blog, we will compare AWS DeepLens and Google Coral to help you decide which AI development kit is better.


AWS DeepLens and Google Coral are AI development kits that allow developers to build applications with machine learning capabilities. Both the kits offer features such as object detection, image classification, and face recognition. These kits cater to different needs, and the choice among the two would depend on the developer's specific use case.



When it comes to performance, Google Coral outshines AWS DeepLens in terms of speed. Google Coral uses Edge TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) to provide local AI acceleration, which allows it to perform at a faster rate compared to AWS DeepLens.


Both AWS DeepLens and Google Coral offer similar features such as object detection, face recognition, and image classification. However, AWS DeepLens has an edge over Google Coral when it comes to customization. AWS DeepLens allows developers to customize the machine learning model to their specific needs, which is not as easily achievable on Google Coral.


The cost is an essential factor while choosing an AI development kit, and in this comparison, AWS DeepLens is the more expensive option. The DeepLens kit is priced at $249 while Google Coral can be purchased for $150.


In terms of compatibility, both AI development kits offer support for various programming languages and frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX. However, AWS DeepLens is more closely integrated with the AWS ecosystem, which may present an advantage to developers already using AWS services.


In conclusion, both AWS DeepLens and Google Coral offer outstanding capabilities for developers looking to implement AI into their applications. AWS DeepLens allows for more customization, making it a better choice for developers looking for bespoke solutions. However, Google Coral is faster and more cost-effective.


  1. AWS DeepLens
  2. Google Coral

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